Filezilla Samba

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Filezilla samba download

Transferring files to a Linux server by using FileZilla

Last but not least, FileZilla Server is a free open source FTP and FTPS Server. Support is available through our forums, the wiki and the bug and feature request trackers. In addition, you will find documentation on how to compile FileZilla and nightly builds for multiple platforms in the development section. Using FileZilla I can sFTP to the /var/www folder successfully and read+write to it. The only case where I can see Samba benefiting me is if I need to transfer files from the Samba share directly to a live remote server. Am I missing something else? Apologies also, I am relatively new to Linux in general, but learning more all the time.

15 October 2015, Thursday 0 Comments
FileZilla is a GUI-based file manager for Windows that allows you to upload and transfer files to a remote computer using the SFTP and FTP protocols. FileZilla allows you to drag and drop files from your Windows machine to your Linux instance or synchronize entire directory structures between the two systems.
  1. Download and install FileZilla. For most users, the default installation options are OK.

  2. Start FileZilla and navigate to Edit > Settings > Connection > SFTP.
  3. If your server allows to connect with an SSH Key:
    Download .pem file on
    Servers > Manage > SSH/RDP Remote access info > Download SSH key pair

    Click 'Add keyfile...' on FileZilla
    Browse to the location of your .pem file and select it.
    A message box will appear asking your permission to convert the file into a supported format. Click Yes, then give the file a name and store it somewhere safe.
    If the new file is shown in the list of Keyfiles, then continue to the next step. If not, then click 'Add keyfile...' and select the converted file.
  4. File > Site Manager
    Add a new site wih the following paramerters:
    Host: 123.456.789.123
    Protocol: SFTP
    Logon Type: Normal
    User: username
  5. Connect to the new server


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Filezilla Samba Download

  • TR. 90 224 4520007
  • UK. 44 020 3239 2902
Copyright © 2012 - 2015 Siterobot ®, all rights reserved. Siterobot ® is the registered mark of Sistem Robotik LTD. - We love before we add to our business...

In order for FileZilla Server's FTP users to be able to access files on a NAS device, a few changes are needed.

Update user that FileZilla Server runs as
First the user account that the FileZilla Server service runs as needs to be updated. By default it uses the local system account which does not exist on the NAS. Unless the NAS and server are part of an Active Directory setup, the only user that exists on the NAS is 'administrator'. Create this same Administrator user in Windows on your server then follow these steps:

1. Open services (Start -> Run -> Services.msc)
2. Right click the 'FileZilla Server FTP server' service and choose Properties
3. On the 'Log On' tab check 'This account' -> Browse -> Advanced -> Find Now -> Select 'Administrator' -> OK -> OK
4. Enter the password for this user -> Confirm it -> Click OK

Filezilla Mount Drive

Setup FTP user and manually edit home directory
Next create a FTP user in FileZilla with access to a directory local to that server. Do not try to point it to a mapped drive for the NAS. Then manually set the home directory to the UNC path:


Transferring files to a Linux server by using FileZilla

Last but not least, FileZilla Server is a free open source FTP and FTPS Server. Support is available through our forums, the wiki and the bug and feature request trackers. In addition, you will find documentation on how to compile FileZilla and nightly builds for multiple platforms in the development section. Using FileZilla I can sFTP to the /var/www folder successfully and read+write to it. The only case where I can see Samba benefiting me is if I need to transfer files from the Samba share directly to a live remote server. Am I missing something else? Apologies also, I am relatively new to Linux in general, but learning more all the time.

15 October 2015, Thursday 0 Comments
FileZilla is a GUI-based file manager for Windows that allows you to upload and transfer files to a remote computer using the SFTP and FTP protocols. FileZilla allows you to drag and drop files from your Windows machine to your Linux instance or synchronize entire directory structures between the two systems.
  1. Download and install FileZilla. For most users, the default installation options are OK.

  2. Start FileZilla and navigate to Edit > Settings > Connection > SFTP.
  3. If your server allows to connect with an SSH Key:
    Download .pem file on
    Servers > Manage > SSH/RDP Remote access info > Download SSH key pair

    Click 'Add keyfile...' on FileZilla
    Browse to the location of your .pem file and select it.
    A message box will appear asking your permission to convert the file into a supported format. Click Yes, then give the file a name and store it somewhere safe.
    If the new file is shown in the list of Keyfiles, then continue to the next step. If not, then click 'Add keyfile...' and select the converted file.
  4. File > Site Manager
    Add a new site wih the following paramerters:
    Host: 123.456.789.123
    Protocol: SFTP
    Logon Type: Normal
    User: username
  5. Connect to the new server


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Any question?
Please don't hesitate to call us and ask questions.

Filezilla Samba Download

  • TR. 90 224 4520007
  • UK. 44 020 3239 2902
Copyright © 2012 - 2015 Siterobot ®, all rights reserved. Siterobot ® is the registered mark of Sistem Robotik LTD. - We love before we add to our business...

In order for FileZilla Server's FTP users to be able to access files on a NAS device, a few changes are needed.

Update user that FileZilla Server runs as
First the user account that the FileZilla Server service runs as needs to be updated. By default it uses the local system account which does not exist on the NAS. Unless the NAS and server are part of an Active Directory setup, the only user that exists on the NAS is 'administrator'. Create this same Administrator user in Windows on your server then follow these steps:

1. Open services (Start -> Run -> Services.msc)
2. Right click the 'FileZilla Server FTP server' service and choose Properties
3. On the 'Log On' tab check 'This account' -> Browse -> Advanced -> Find Now -> Select 'Administrator' -> OK -> OK
4. Enter the password for this user -> Confirm it -> Click OK

Filezilla Mount Drive

Setup FTP user and manually edit home directory
Next create a FTP user in FileZilla with access to a directory local to that server. Do not try to point it to a mapped drive for the NAS. Then manually set the home directory to the UNC path:

Filezilla Network Share

1. Stop the FileZilla Server service
2. Open 'FileZilla Server.xml' in a text editor like Notepad
-Usually located here:
C:Program FilesFileZilla Server
3. Scroll down to the username or search for it
4. Locate the 'Permission Dir' field
5. Replace the local folder path with the appropriate UNC path. For instance:
6. Start the FileZilla Server service

Smb Vs Samba

Note: You will also need a FTP client which supports UNC paths. Most clients do at this point but the more basic ones won't. FileZilla Client version 3 or newer should work fine.

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